If you’re staying safe at home, now might be good time to start knocking house projects off your list, especially if you plan to sell in the near future. After a long winter of inside living, the list of possible tasks can seem overwhelming. How do you prioritize? Here’s a list of fairly simple and inexpensive projects that will make your home more appealing to buyers in the event of a future sale. At the very least, you might enjoy the small changes and improvements to your space during your days and weeks spent quarantining.
Organize Your Entry
Outdoor gear tends to pile up near main entry points, especially during colder months. Take time to clean it up and create system for organizing coats, hat, bags and shoes, ideally out of sight. Decorative hooks, baskets, bins or cubbies can work wonders. If you have a coat closet that needs reorganizing, even better. Clean it out and keep it organized. This is something you could do in a weekend. It’s an easy and inexpensive way to boost appeal and create a positive first impression.
Purge and Declutter Closets, Drawers, Shelves and Cabinets
This always takes longer than you think. Start now, go room by room, closet by closet, drawer by drawer…or whatever system works best for you.
Replace, Fix, Dispose of Broken Appliances
Broken dishwasher? Replace or fix it. You should have functioning appliances at the very least when selling a home. Old broken freezer in the basement? Remove it. Most buyers don’t want to inherit old appliances they’ll have to pay to dispose of. They may make removal a condition of the sale prior to closing so you might as well do it now. And if a new one is needed, at least you’ll have time to enjoy it. Assess your appliance situation and make improvements if needed.
Fix Leaks or Broken Faucets
This might help your water bill too so you might as well do it now while you’re still living there. If you have a leaky faucet or a running toilet plan on a future buyer asking for this repair. If you have loose fitting ones, tighten or replace them now.
Update Cabinet Hardware (Kitchen + Bath Pulls, Knobs, etc.)
This is a cheap way to refresh cabinets. Modernizing hardware, even on outdated cabinets, can make a big difference. Consider coordinating with updated faucets to create unity.
Clean Out the Garage
Here’s a good spring project. Decluttering your house should be priority when getting ready to sell, but tackle the garage too if you have time.
Repair Holes, Cracks, Water Damage in Walls and Ceilings
Filling holes left from old wall art is cheap and well worth your time. It may require paint touch-ups or even new coats though. Do that too if you can.
Seeing spots from past water damage raises concern for some buyers. Take care to repair them but know you’ll need to disclose in writing any known damage.
Finish Incomplete Paint or Remodel Projects
You may have started a project, stopped it eons ago, and forgotten about it completely. You might not notice it, but a buyer will. Most new owners don’t want to inherit someone else’s half-completed project. Do what you can to finish it off while you have the time.
Cover or Paint Radiators
I love older homes and hot water heat but radiators can become dust-collecting eye-sores if neglected. At the very least, clean them. If time and budget allow, consider getting custom-made covers or repainting them.
Chris Seidl is a Minneapolis-based carpenter who creates custom covers for just about any space. This spring he designed, built, painted and installed a custom cover for my kitchen — I highly recommend! This is a great way to add extra storage too, which any potential buyer will appreciate.
If radiator covers aren’t in your budget, you may want to just clean and paint them. Color and paint type matter when finishing radiators so I recommend consulting with experts at a local paint store when selecting products.
Chris Seidl of Craftsman Radiator Covers, a Minneapolis-based one-man-show who designs and installs custom radiator covers
Fix Missing Trim, Thresholds, Broken Doors, etc.
Again, like abandoned remodel projects, these can be easily overlooked — you just stop seeing them. Buyers will take note, and may also wonder, “What else has been neglected?
Refresh Outlets and Cover Plates
If you have old, dirty, or mismatched plate covers in rooms, replace them with new matching ones. It’s super cheap, just takes a little time. You also might want to consider grounding outlets and putting GFCIs in all the right places, if you haven’t already. Though these are common inspection items, they’re usually not deal breakers for buyers.
Replace or Remove Broken (or Outdated) Window Coverings and Blinds
Think “less is more” when considering your window treatments. People love natural light so let it in whenever possible. Replace broken blinds and shades, or remove them altogether if privacy isn’t a factor. Minimalist coverings are more in vogue. Think plain, airy and simple designs, textures and colors.
Wash Your Windows
Thoroughly clean all windows, inside and out. If you’ve never done it, or if it has been a while, you will be amazed, especially after a Minnesota winter or two. It will make your whole house will feel cleaner. It can be a daunting task depending on your home size but plenty of companies will do it for you. They do schedule the service colder months but when temperatures dip below 32 anti-freezing product will be added, diminishing the result.
Replace Old Rugs and Welcome Mats
One very simple project is to get rid of old muddied rugs and welcome mats and replace with new. Clean points of entries are key to creating positive first impressions, and door mats and rugs are usually the first things to come into view when buyers walk into homes. You might want to do this closer to listing though to keep the new ones clean. You could just buy now them and have them ready. One more thing off your list!
Add or Transplant House Plants
Adding plants to your rooms is a simple and inexpensive way to warm up your space, especially in colder months. House plants add life and can be used as pops of color. Use a floor plant in place of furniture or knick knacks to fill in empty spaces (in big corners, on bookcases, etc.) Add to a bathroom to create a spa-like feel or use as simple centerpieces for a kitchen, dining or coffee table.
Be sure to keep plants looking healthy — trim dead leaves and follow instructions for keeping them alive! If you’re not a plant person you might want to wait until closer to listing before taking on the task, or pick hardy varieties that demand little attention. Succulents and cacti are easy options. They’re also trendy right now and can add a modern, up-to-date accent that complements most home styles.
Deep Clean Everything, Even the Fridge
This may not be so quick and simple, depending on your starting point, but it is the most important, and it’s free (or can be). So if there’s anything that needs deep cleaning (refrigerator shelves, bathtub & shower, stovetop, hall closet, garage, etc.) might as well begin now.
When cleaning spaces it’s also best to clean out. Start purging and getting rid of unwanted stuff sooner than later. This part can be overwhelming so go bit by bit and celebrate small completions. Clean and tidy kitchens and baths are most noticeable to buyers so you may want to start there.
Fix Lights and Replace Bulbs
Natural light is always best but sometimes showings happen after sunset. There’s a good chance buyers will be viewing your home at night, especially in winter months. Pleasant lighting will add to a buyer’s overall impression of a space. Take a close look at your lighting situation and make the simple additions, repairs or replacements needed to enhance it.
Check all overhead fixtures and sconces for burned out bulbs. Replace where needed and make sure to match bulb strength and color. For example, if you have a 3-bulb bath fixture be sure all three have the same type bulb. And if a fixture is broken, now is a good time to replace it.
Soft, warm light is preferred for creating a cozy atmosphere. Florescent or blue-white bulbs feel cold and harsh. Lamplight also creates a more comforting, homey feel, especially compared to flush mount overhead lights. Add lamps (with warm bulbs) to rooms where space allows. Thinks bedside tables, poorly-lit corners and even bathrooms or hallway console tables. Dimmers on pendants and chandeliers are also handy for creating a cozy ambience. Again, this is an easy, quick way to increase appeal that could be done in a weekend.
Spruce Up Your Entry with New House Numbers
This simple change can add instant style and curb appeal. Make sure the font matches your home’s style.
Paint or Touch up Exterior Trim, Siding and Doors
If you have flaking paint, scrape and repaint if possible. If your exterior door needs a refresh, paint it. A pop of color and an inviting entry create curb appeal and positive first impressions. I recommend a statement color in keeping with the style of your home.
Though April is usually too early in Minnesota for outdoor painting, it may be a good time to start planning and scheduling a future project. Martey Jakel, local St. Paul-based painter and owner of Showcase Home Painting takes outdoor jobs all spring, summer and fall, as long as paint can properly adhere. Most paint can be applied with temps and drying time as low as the high 30’s (40 to be safe). Martey recommends doubling the manufacture’s drying time at these temps to ensure adhesion. He also recommends checking window sills and seals where built-up moisture can cause flaking and rot. Caulking and priming these trouble spots before winter can be well worth your time and effort. If you’re not sure how to identify what needs what, call a paint professional. You’ll have better luck scheduling them this time of year as construction and repair projects slow with seasonal changes.
Clean Gutters and Repair Downspouts
Use warmer, rain-free days to do a spring cleaning of gutters. Repair and reposition broken or leaking downspouts to divert rainwater and melting snow.
Repair Rotting Exterior Trim Pieces and Decking
If you have rotting boards, replace them, especially floor boards that can create hazards or let in moisture. If weather permits, paint or stain replaced parts. If you need to hire someone to do the repairs, start calling now to get scheduled. Contractors’ calendars fill up fast this time of year.
Add Mulch to Gardens and Landscape
Get ahead of the weeds and spruce up your yard by laying mulch early spring. Avoid bags of plastic by using recycled wood from around the Twin Cities. Many counties and cities offer free wood chips/mulch for pick-up. Ramsey County and the City of Minneapolis have several pick-up sites around the metro, for example. Check your city/county websites for availability, locations and hours.
Get Help
Your home’s condition and age matter when prioritizing your to-do list. These projects may be totally irrelevant or just a starting point, it all depends. If you are considering selling, I recommend getting help creating a customized list before you begin. Walking through your house with a second set of eyes is often what’s needed to zero in on the best use of your time and money. I do this often with clients, sometimes long before listing. If you need help figuring out where to start, call or message me for a consultation. We can even schedule a virtual walk-through to practice safe distancing — whatever works for you.
651-503-1540 | heidi@lyndenrealty.com
Heidi Swanson is a Realtor® based in St. Paul, Minnesota. She writes a blog to share information on variety of topics including buying and selling, market conditions, homeownership trends, local events and more. Reach her at heidi@lyndenrealty.com or 651-503-1540.